Well, it's been another busy month. Computer crashes, viruses and work have kept me offline and out of the loop for a while, and now I have to move. I hate moving, but sometimes it's a necessary evil. Have been trying all day to motivate myself to sort & pack my bedroom, but the bed keeps singing its siren's song and calling me back.
On the other hand, I was slightly stoked when I saw my shall-remain-secret short story is now up on the publisher's website. :) That motivated me to want to write some more, but I also have two friend's novels that are awaiting my edits and feedback, so I'd feel guilty about working on my own when I have promises to keep. Hence, I'm still sitting here doing nothing. (In self defence, did I mention my computer crashed and it had viruses? It took almost three weeks to get all that straightened out, so I'm way behind.)
Anyhoodles... hope all is well out there in your world. I'm off to look at all the work I need to do. And sigh. What are you up to?