Until it happened to me.
The other day I had just come home from work, put my backpack down, and was getting ready to fix dinner when WHAM. This woman started talking very clearly in my head and I ran to get to the computer because here is what she was telling me:
They say the Devil is in the details, but I’ve never been too detail oriented, which might explain why, when the Prince of Darkness came calling one Saturday night, I had no idea who I was dealing with. Or rather, with whom. Yeah, that detail I get. The Grammar Maven, that’s me. No, really, it is. At least, during my day job at the Milford Herald. (But just between you and me, I like to leave work at work, ya know? So don’t hold this against me.)
Now, where was I? Oh, yeah. Dancing with The Devil. He strode into Billy Goatz Bar-n-Grill pretty as you please and told me to dance. With him. That’s right; he didn’t ask. He commanded. And struck as I was by those big blue eyes with long, dark lashes, and deep, deep dimples next to the sexiest smile you’ve ever seen, well...what’s a girl to do? I danced.
With him.
For him.
Because of him.
As the night wore on, he told me his name was Rob. Which turned out to be true. Because before daybreak, he’d robbed me of both my virtue and my sanity.
See, while I was boogying with Beelzebub, one of his henchmen stole my little sister.
Now, I have NO idea where that came from. Is it from another book I read sometime and just don't recall? I truly don't know. If any of it sounds familiar to any of you, I'd like to know. I'd hate to be plagiarizing someone and not even know it. And I have to wonder if that woman's voice is just my own "inside my head reading voice" repeating something I've read and stored subconsciously.
But now I'm intrigued by the story. I only got that little bit before the voice went away, but then a day or two later she added this:
Now, even if I have to die and go to Hell to get her back, I’ll do it.
And. Make. Him. Pay.
Anybody else have weird writing moments?